Poultry Farming Eating Pebbles With Grain Strengthens Chicken Eggs

Poultry Farming Eating Pebbles With Grain Strengthens Chicken Eggs

Diet Of A Hen: People eat green vegetables, roti etc. in food. Along with this, they also find other sources of protein, vitamins. Every person tries to stay healthy by taking a good diet. Even animals, whether at home or outside, are in search of better diet. But can you believe that any animal or person eats pebbles so that it can strengthen the protective armor of itself and its unborn child. His daily diet consists of pebbles along with grains. Today let’s take information about this.

Chickens are fed pebbles with grains
Chickens are fed pebbles along with grain. The scientific reason behind this has been told that eating pebbles along with grains makes the eggs of chickens strong. Chickens become healthy and fit when these two are eaten together. When hens lay eggs, the risk of them breaking also reduces considerably. The egg does not break, due to this it proves to be a profitable deal for the people involved in the poultry business.

Otherwise the egg will fall and break
People associated with the egg business say that when pebbles are mixed with grains, the eggs of chickens become stronger. If pebbles are not fed together, then the hen’s eggs will fall and break easily. Many times the gray colored ballast used for making road to the chickens is also fed along with the grains. The ballast is ground and later given to chickens as food.

Calcium supplements are also given
Apart from India, a large number of people who are fond of eating eggs are found in other countries. It has a big business in the country. Lakhs of people are involved in the business of poultry farming in the country. His livelihood is going on from this. Experts say that the non-breaking of eggs is very important behind the promotion of the chicken business. If the egg starts breaking then the business will end. To strengthen the eggs, calcium tablets or other doses are given to the hens. However, excessive amount of calcium should not be given to the hen. Its side effects are also seen.

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Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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